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AlMashreq Medical Care
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DIGISON-Q provides superb performance - mid range to high range
performance with powerful Color Doppler and 4D imaging capabilities
at an easily affordable price range.
· 17" LCD Rectangular LCD, offering high definition images
· Two active probe connectors plus one park for a third probe, and supports an extensive  probe
       family  for  all  applications.
· Imaging-guided biopsy.
· Super 2D imaging - mid range to high Range  performance  with powerful  4d  imaging  at 
      an  easily Affordable  price  range.
· Multipurpose  system  addressing  abdominal,  ob/gyn,  vascular,
· Surgical,  and  cardiac  applications.
· Extensive  probe  family  for  all  applications.
· Patented  beamforming  with  unique  high  frequency  capability, Imaging  frequencies  as 
      as  20 mhz.
· Extensive  measurement  and  calculation  packages  for   all Modalities.
· Sophisticated  digital  image  management  and  report  generation Including  html  formatting 
      web  viewing.
· Serviceability,  uniquely  simple  to  service

[ Optional ]
· Dicom 3.0  compliant .
· speckle reduction .

· 2D black & white
· Dual 2D black & white
· Color doppler - velocity, variance, power, and color angio
· M-mode and pw doppler with variable scroll speed
· Duplex display (2D b&w + pw spectral doppler)
· Triplex display (2D b&w + color doppler + spectral doppler)
· 3D\4D ultrasound

CLA3.5 MHZ/65R/128
ECA7.0 MHz/llR/128
LA 5.0 MHz/40 mm  / 128
LA 7.5 MHz/40 mm/128
LA 12.5 MHz/25 mm/128
ECA 5.6 MHZ/SR/128
Biplane Transrectal
CLA 3.5 MHZ/65R/128
CLA3.2 MHz/20R/128
LA 7.5 MHz/40mm/128
3D 4.5MHz/40R/128
· Five volume rendering modes
· B/w and color image scanning
· Tui (tomographic ultrasound imaging)
· Multi plane reforming (mpr)
· Cut/oblique planes
· Volumetric viewing from any angle
· Movie generation
· Segmentation tools
· Enhancement filters
· Volumetric measurements
· 3d image printing
· Export images to standard formats
· Volume archiving
· Advanced editing tools

DIGISON-Q Brochure